1,2,3 Flapjacks

I am a Northern California girl through and through. It may explain some of my hippie tendencies. What may this have to do with pancakes? Well two-ish words, 49er flapjacks. This is a spin off of an old family recipe. We used it during just about every family event. My grandma would make them in the mornings, and they are wrapped in some great family memories. I hope your family can create some great memories too. The reason I call it 1,2,3 flapjacks is simply because as you’ll see in the recipe’s ingredients. The best part is they don’t have any sugar added so they don’t get overly sweet when topping are added. Without further adieu…

What you’ll need:

  • Medium to large skillet

  • spatula

  • Whisk

  • Large mixing bowl

  • Small mixing bowl

  • Measuring cups and spoons


  • 1 cup of 1:1 gluten free flour

  • 2 cups of plant based milk ( I use almond, but oat works just as well)

  • 3 eggs (or egg substitute)

  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons of light flavored oil + some to grease pan ( I use canola)

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt

To make:

  1. In the small mixing bowl combine the plant milk and vinegar.

  2. Let sit for 5 min or until the milk has started to thicken.

  3. In the large bowl add flour, eggs, oil, baking soda,salt, and milk mixture. Whisk together, there may be some lumps.

  4. Let batter rest for 5-10 minutes.

  5. While batter is resting heat up skillet and grease with a small amount of oil.

  6. After batter has rested pour approximately 1/4 to 1/3 cup of batter into preheated skillet. While batter is wet sprinkle in optional topping.

  7. Wait till all the bubbles have popped (approx. 30-60 seconds) and flip for an additional 90 seconds or until golden brown.

  8. Repeat steps 6-7 until no batter left. Re-grease skillet wherever necessary, usually between every 3 pancakes. Careful not to burn yourself.



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